Thursday, 6 January 2011

UK Wind Turbines Consume More Energy Than They Produce

The future lies in renewables, which is a Chris Huhne euphemism for wind power.
The holy grail of Dave and the Wind God, wind power is a big, expensive and very dangerous joke for the energy security of this country .
As the country emerges from a very cold snap, it is a comforting thought for us all that our wind turbines have actually consumed more energy, than they produced.
With wind speeds across Western Europe having fallen in the last 30 years, and Britain suffering a 12% Fall In UK Renewable Energy Production the future is far from bright.

This is the season for quizzes. So ­fingers on buzzers, here’s your starter for ten. In percentage terms, how much electricity do Britain’s 3,150 wind ­turbines supply to the ­National Grid?
Is it: a) five per cent; b) ten per cent; or c) 20 per cent? Come on, I’m going to have to hurry you. No conferring.
Time’s up. The correct answer is: none of the above. Yesterday afternoon, the figure was just 1.6 per cent, according to the official website of the wholesale electricity market.
Over the past three weeks, with demand for power at record levels because of the freezing weather, there have been days when the contribution of our forests of wind turbines has been precisely nothing.
It gets better. As the temperature has plummeted, the turbines have had to be heated to prevent them seizing up. Consequently, they have been consuming more electricity than they generate.
Even on a good day they rarely work above a quarter of their theoretical capacity. And in high winds they have to be switched off altogether to prevent damage. H/T Richard Littlejohn
The result of this blind stupidity in bird choppers, EU Climate Religion energy policies and the cold weather mean that industry and families will pay the economic price for the stupidity of people like Dave and Chris Huhne.

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