Friday, 1 April 2011

In the world there are about 7000 people whose blood is blue!

An English girl Polly Neti (12 years old) is an ordinary girl, except that her blood is blue... At the birth the hospital's blood center has assured parents that the child will develop normaly.

When asked why the blood is blue? The answer was unexpected ... The reason for this condition was the contraceptive pill who took the girl's mother for several years before her pregnancy. Polly's Doctor , a professor at the Centre for Haematology, London Efresi Robert, explained:
"In the world there are about 7000 people whose blood has a hue."
Cyanotic people called...
by cyanea (Latin - blue). The iron in their blood is replaced by copper, but without changing the functions, the blue-purple color comes from copper and iron mixture.

Scientists explain the appearance of Cyanotic people by the laws of evolution.
In the case of natural disasters or environmental change,or epidemics, when the "normal" dying the "transformed" stay alive and create new populations.

The Cyanotic people don't suffer from the usual diseases of the blood - the bacteria fail to attack the cells of copper. The blue blood clots more faster and even serious injuries do not cause bleeding.

It turns out that the expression "blue blood" - is a sign of noble origin - is not accidental. Some of the noble knights, from  the first ancient noble families were actually blue blooded. It was because of their armor made of copper.

The professor also pointed out that the blue blood, is the development of blood. The blue blood is not attacked by germs, and clots 3 times faster than normal blood.

By the way...       Happy April Fool's Day!


  1. everyone's blood is blue when in the absence of oxygen. only when it is exposed to oxygen does it turn red, which is why our veins are blue in color. so the joke's on you! ha! :)

    1. Not True our blood in our vein is a dark red but through skin looks Blue the only way your blood is blue in your veins is if you are one of the 7000

    2. Blood turns red because it rust when exposed to oxygen. Heavy metals like iron are poison

    3. Blood turns red because it rust when exposed to oxygen. Heavy metals like iron are poison

    4. Ive been researching why i bleed blue/green for a long time i have pictures medical evidence of hospital records but no one can tell me why i bleed blue green outside my body! Lights and street lights go on and off as i travel by them...light bulbs in my house keep blowing when im by them and ive been seeing and knowing before a catastrophe hits...can anyone PLEASE TELL ME WHY????

    5. I'm sure you already know the answer to your question. I would bet that you are RH negative? And you most likely have green two hazel eyes and red tint to your hair. You most likely have sensitivity to light, Heat, lower than normal temperature, very intuitive or psychic. You're a hybrid. And we are most likely related.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. If you are blue blooded you're not a son of Adam or daughter of eve but in fact the offspring of demons

    8. Thats just mean take it back!!@@-

    9. 🤣 @Jroe
      People, your blood is not blue until it reaches oxygen. Blood carries oxygen, silly-asses! Blood also doesn't rust. I know you've all had blood drawn at some point. That blood in the syringe touches no air. It's red.

    10. Fun fact, though - when blood is depleted of oxygen and on its way back to the heart, it's a darker, orangey red.

  2. actually our blood is red everywhere, both in arteries and in veins, but in arteries it's bright red and in veins it's dark red. Veins appear blue because light, penetrating the skin, is absorbed and reflected back to the eye. Since only the higher energy wavelengths can do this (lower energy wavelengths just don't have the *oomph*), only higher energy wavelengths are seen. And higher energy wavelengths are what we call "blue."

  3. Red has a higher energy wavelength than blue. Please do your homework before you start posting.

    1. Lower*. Please do your homework before you start posting.

  4. Nope, blue corresponds to higher frequency, thus higher energy (Planck's Formula: E = h*f). That being said, I've no idea if the explanation above is valid though.

    1. it is valid.Everyone who has bled from a scratch knoes vein blood is really red

    2. you cant bleed from a scratch with vein blood ( cut from scratch not deep enough ) you can get darker vein blood only from veins :) stop confusing poor folks:) (

  5. Funny story.............lastly writer said HAPPY FOOLS DAY lols got it?

    1. this comment remind of ...when they said back in days that earth is flat , and round earth is fools joke...:)

  6. I read from a real chinese encyclopedia they write got green blood people

  7. well i love that idea of having blue blood

  8. There is a few different colors of blood. Red, Black, Blue and green tints to certain individuals, so what is Orange? When I have menstrual cycles, when I get cut, when my blood is drawn, what does this mean?
    In case you're wondering what my blood type etc is, well I'll tell you......I'm O+ without the RH Factor. Why is this?

    1. when you get cut mostly blood from micro vessels it is reddish (depend how deeply you cut ), menstrual blood could give you different color bo of different PH between your blood and vaginal pH or bo of micro flora of vagina :) , drawn blood mostly from veins ( darker color bo of less oxigen in it)

  9. so why try to hide that some people have copper blood - is this another "secret" that should be hidden ?

  10. Copper rather than iron based blood has shown to have some very interesting properties i.e. A virus that could kill a red blood host may have no effect on a copper based blood, could just be nature’s way of creating a survival plan, or may be something to do with the ancient Ang (el) s also known as the Watchers

  11. You know, a person was identified with green blood, but it was because of a disease. And just because you've probably been told a few thousand times that blood is not blue, doesn't mean it's not true. Oh, and by the way, not only aristocrats have blue blood. It's just people with copper cells instead of iron. And consider yourself lucky that you have normal blood, although having blue blood is more... beneficial for your health.

    1. Actually it wasnt a disease he was taking a shot of medicine that contained sulfur which changed it green


  13. because Robots have gray blood and you cannot post if you have gray blood!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. So she is an invertebrate now. lol
    How anyone can believe in this nonsense. Heamocyanin is ony 1/4 of hemoglobin efficiency. So even if you make a GMO human, replacing his hemoglobin genes with octopus Heamocyanin genes (and suspend his immune response and so on...). That creature will suffocate to death for luck of oxygen. People obsession for "nobel blue blood" is ridicules. Nobels were consider "having blue blood" because their skine was so pale due to anemia and non exposure to sun light and outside elements. Since on the pale skine you can see "blue veins", common hard working people will call them blue blood.

    1. And the comment on a green blood is even more funny. Chlorocruorin is green due to presence of Chlorine not Sulfur. However, if you put just little bit of chlorine or sulfur (like mr. Anonymous7 October 2016 at 03:32 state) in human blood, you will have a death human.

  16. ''88 Represents that opening to a spiritual dimension when the ''Female energy'' has consumed the ''Male energy'' Qutatime! The Original Sin was Not from eating a piece of fruit. It was from fornicating with the Serpent race! That is hunting your soul. In the Book of Genesis - means Gene = DNA. Genesis 1: 26 - 27 God has made an image The two seeds of Genesis 3: 15 Structure human haemoglobin ''from the 6 hours until the 9-hour darkness came over all the Land'' Matthew 27: 45 When the Serpent female energy (Blue) has consumed Adam's male energy (Red) Obrorus Serpent eating itself ''Out of time'' 85% of the population have Red blood & only 15% of the population contain blue blood. The two books that the devil hates are the book of Genesis & Revelation he doesn't want you to know how he got hold of Eve and doesn't want you to believe that Genesis 3 ever happened!!! Genesis describes him - Devices & Revelation describes his - Doom.

  17. Dear, propaganda,
    I want to see how I can turn my blood blue. I hate red blood. ➕️ ➕️ ➕️ I am wof supporting I. Tribe. It would be so cool to see people's blood blue. I could show it to everyone. Maybe I could hug copper everyday like you said, the noble knights wear copper Armour, so a lot of their blood is blue. Can you please show a solution. Thanks. Looking forward to see a solution from you.
    Love (Algid g.) < My Nickname (Wof supporter) 9 years of age

  18. 7584EF0030Andre2D7666E89924 November 2024 at 23:31

